Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reaching Your Exercise Goals

I was over my friend's apartment last night, and she asked me if I would make a post about progression of exercise routines. She mentioned something very important to me...that, even though I may be at a certain level now, when it comes to my running, I did not start off that way, at the beginning of my journey. She was exactly right, and it is certainly a conversation worth noting.

Of course, at the beginning of my exercise journey, I could only commit to what I was capable of at the time. When I first started running outside of my building during my sophomore year of college, I could not run one full mile. After a quarter of a mile, I would be out of breath, and after half a mile to three quarters of a mile, I'd surely be ready to collapse on the ground. Now, you may be asking, "Why was it impossible for you to run a mile, Forrest?" Well, in case you are asking yourself this question, I'll list some possible answers below:

  1. I was a novice runner.
  2. I was not prepared (Nutritionally, physically, and mentally).
  3. I began my running journey with negative flashbacks from middle/high school gym.
  4. My expectations far exceeded the current reality (I thought I would be able to hit the pavement and run for miles)
So with the previous thoughts in mind, how did I train myself to get to the level that I am at today (running 6 miles every other day, on average)?

  •  Patience
    • Patience is one of the most important things to keep in mind when trying to develop progress within an exercise plan/routine. You will not achieve the results that you want by attempting to rush. Remember, "Rome was not built in a day."
  • Variety
    • Sometimes it takes other exercise to improve your performance within the one exercise that you want to seek results in. There were a lot of things that I did in addition to running that improved my goals within running (i.e., crunches/sit-ups to tighten my core, basic squats to strengthen my hamstrings, etc.) I began to focus on the parts of my body that heavily contributed to the longevity of my runs.
  •   Dividing Larger Goals:
    • Taking larger goals and breaking them up into smaller goals can be a better way (mentally) to achieve your larger goals. For example, if I have a goal to increase my routine from running six miles to seven miles within two weeks, I will start off running six miles one day, then two days later attempt six and 1/4 miles, then two days after that 6 & 1/2, two days after that 6 & 3/4 and then two days after that I would attempt to go for 7 miles. Intervals can be your best friend!
  • Knowledge of your environment:
    • I know first hand, as a runner, that environment is key to the success of each individual run. Running on a treadmill is a different experience than running on a track, which is an altogether different experience that running on pavement. The course of your run will affect the consistency of your speed and the comfort of your experience. Personally, during the winter, I stick indoors with the treadmill. When the warmer weather comes around, I prefer running either on a trail, sidewalks, or, if I'm lucky enough to have access, a track.

I've since come a long way from the days of my quarter-of-a-mile runs, but since then, I have progressively increased the length, comfort, and knowledge of my runs. While I am serious about my exercise routines these days, I like to take a lighthearted attitude toward them at the same time, realizing that just because I plan on reaching a certain goal with one particular exercise on a certain day, does not mean that it will always happen. Sometimes, my body just isn't up to it, and I've come to understand that's okay too. It is okay to push your limits sometimes, as long as you can push yourself to next level without hurting or injuring yourself.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! As always, Peace, Love and Nutella!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Me, Myself, and I

Okay, maybe the title of this post is a bit vain, but what I am attempting to stress by "Me, Myself and I," is the importance of "Me Time." One of the leading causes of stress, anxiety, and neglect of dietary and physical health is the lack of attention given to "me time."

Now, what do I mean by "me time," you ask? "Me time" is simply time for yourself. It is taking time out of your schedule to breathe, relax, and focus on what's going on with YOU.

There are a variety of ways to enjoy time with yourself to relax. Some people like to take naps, others like to go to a coffee shop and read a book, others like to hit the court and shoot a few hoops. Personally, I like going to Barnes and Noble, plugging in my headphones to some smooth jazz, and reading a genre of book that I would normally never pick up. Other times, going for a light jog will take my mind off of my busy schedule.

There is no specific time period for the amount of time you can take for yourself. Sometimes just a five minute break from your school work or job is enough to temporarily relieve some stress. Sometimes it may/will take a longer period of time to recharge. It is not uncommon for people (when they can afford it) to take a vacation for a few days.

St. Tropez, France

It is not uncommon to find ourselves in situations where we are doing more for others than we are for ourselves. As we get older, we acquire more and more responsibilities which seem to absorb what would be "personal time." This is completely normal. I am not saying that it is wrong to devote time to others, especially if you have a family, are in a relationship, or if you have a tight-knit social life that requires you to support many friends and acquaintances; however, when you neglect your own health, and dare-I-say, sanity, you won't be around very long to devote your time to others.

A little motto that I like to repeat to myself every now and again is: "At the end of the day, if I don't make the effort to take care of myself (physically, nutritionally, mentally, or financially), then how I can I expect anyone else to?"

Thank you for reading this post! As always, Peace, Love and Nutella!

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Guide to Understanding "Millenials" a "Millenial"

A Guide to Understanding “Millenials”…by a Millenial (Forrest A. Tennant)

It’s interesting. Whenever I log into my various social media accounts, I frequently see articles written about “Millenials,” or the so-called “Up and Coming Workforce.” Most of these articles are written by adults, seasoned in the workplace, who are not even a part of the “Millenial” generation. So, I’m going to offer a few key points that will give a true perspective on this generation, coming from someone who is actually a part of the Millenial generation. Innovative, isn’t it? So sit back, relax, and take some notes, Corporate America.

1.      We are people.
a.       Millenials are not test subjects and we should not be analyzed or picked apart by every professional study attempting to find out what makes us “tick”.
2.      We have communication skills.
a.       Do not become blindsided in your judgment based off of our frequent use of technology and social media.
              i.      (e.g. I can stand in front of a room of one-hundred people and confidently give an hour long business presentation, just as easily as I can give the same presentation via Skype.)
            ii.      Furthermore, there are actually many of us “Millenials” that prefer face to face conversation rather than texting back and forth.
          iii.      There’s just something about face-to-face communication that just can’t be replicated by endless texts or emails
3.      If you haven’t noticed already, “Millenials” are masters at multi-tasking.
4.      Most of us are not lazy.
a.       As a senior graduating in May 2014, most of my peers (including myself) are working our tails off trying to secure full-time, salaried offers, leadership development program offers, grad school acceptances, fellowships, etc.
b.      Most of us have a handle on the whole “networking” game. After all we are the most ‘social’ generation to have ever walked the planet.
5.      We should not be feared.
a.       Most of the articles that I have read online or in newspapers (yes I read the New York Times and WSJ frequently) shine a horrendous, sci-fi, anti-alien light on our generation.
b.      We are not aliens…in fact, we’re products of the people that came before us…and that would be you, seasoned Corporate America professionals.
6.      We are not “know-it-alls.” We WANT to learn.
a.       We don’t know everything about everything. We want to learn the trades and professions that we went to college for.
b.      We want something to flourish from the (sometimes hundreds of) thousands of dollars our families have spent on our educations. (I mean, do you think we just pay thousands of dollars for education because we have nothing better to do?)
c.       We look to YOU (seasoned professionals) as mentors, as people that we can learn a craft or a profession from. We are not your enemy and although you may view us as an impending wave of competition, that sort of paranoid thinking will lead nowhere good.
7.      If anything, we feel like we’re at your mercy, trapped in career limbo.
a.       All we ask is that you give us some credit.
              i.      A good amount of us have excellent experience on our resumes, but it is often overlooked or deemed unimportant.
            ii.      We would appreciate it if you did not make one-sided opinions based on our GPA’s alone.
1.      (e.g. Someone may have a 4.0 gpa in his or her field of study, but no experience on the resume. Is that really a reliable hire?)
8.      Please look at us. We should not be invisible to you.
a.       It is terribly annoying applying to hundreds of jobs listed on company websites or job portals that have far expired.
              i.      So many companies fail at consistently updating their job portals, so how will Millenials know that we did not just spend 30-45 minutes filling out a job application for an outdated job posting?
1.      That just boils down to common respect.
9.      Most of us want more than just a regular, ‘cookie-cutter’ 9 to 5.
a.       I often have conversations with my peers about what we want out of a career. These are the top answers:
              i.      (Excellent benefits package, flexibility in work location, travel, fair market-standard salary, consistent advancement/mobilization within an organization, exposure to abundant diversity.)
            ii.      It may surprise you, but yes, concerns about benefits is a frequent number one answer; especially considering the amount of media coverage and legislation benefits have been getting lately in the U.S., securing a well-rounded package is a top-priority…a.k.a. we’re not all necessarily trying to get-rich-quick.
10.   We want to take your organizations higher.
a.       One thing that you can count on with a “Millenial” is dedication. We don’t invest our time in things that don’t seem worth our while.
b.      We look at organizations like projects…projects that we can elevate to the next level
c.       To your surprise, we are looking to grow with a company, not hop from organization to organization every year
d.      We enjoy stability. We appreciate knowing that we’re worth just as much to an organization as an organization is worth to us.

Now that we’ve addressed these ten key areas concerning the anatomy of a “Millenial,” I think that maybe we can all start realizing that “Millenials” are here to work with you, not against you. It is possible for multiple generations to peacefully co-exist in the same job market. After all, every generation meets disapproval at some point. 

Thank you for reading this post. 

Forrest A. Tennant, Millenial

Hydration Nation

Hello again, citizens of the Internet! It's been a while since the last post, so I wanted to get things going this week with a topic that the majority of us tend to neglect: The importance of staying HYDRATED.

As a college student, it is relatively easy for me to forget to stay hydrated during the day. There are a few factors that contribute to this unfortunate habit:

1. Rushing out of the door:
  • As students, we generally have a habit of doing things last minute, which means we are typically in a rush when we have to go to a class or meet up with somebody.
  • Because of this, we often forget to grab a water bottle on our way out.
2. The weather:
  • As we all know, the East Coast has been repeatedly hammered with snow storm after snow storm over the past month.
  • When it's cold outside, it's easy to forget that you need to drink the recommended eight glasses of water a day.
  • Just because it's not summer time and not blistering-hot, does not give us a free pass on neglecting our hydration responsibilities.
3. Lack of knowledge concerning hydration:
  • We've all heard the doctor say, "Drink eight glasses of water a day." 
  • The reality is that most of us have more juice, soda, athletic supplement shakes, etc. on a daily basis than we do water.
  • There is NO substitute for water. Even if you are a regular gym-rat and toss back Gatorade all day long, there is no replacement for  the replenishing power of authentic water.
4. Lack of advertisement for water:
  • I know this sounds fact you may be thinking "It is so pointless to advertise for water...everyone should know to drink the recommended amount."
  • The sad reality is that we see more advertisements on television and online for soft drinks, alcohol, and other products, but we rarely see advertisements for water anymore.
  • Even if you are just a regular, tap water/brita filter/water fountain drinking person, the increase in advertisement of water through media outlets would subconsciously urge you to consume more of it everyday.

So, now that we've addressed four possible contributing factors to lack of hydration, here are some of my suggestions for staying hydrated...without even making the effort to think about it:

1. Carry a water bottle with you to class/work/gym/etc.
  • a 32 oz. bottle is typically the standard that I carry on my person
  • this means that if I drink two 32 oz. water bottle fulls a day, I will have satisfied my daily hydration requirement
2. Take advantage of water coolers at work/school:
  • Most places of work will always have either a standing water-cooler or provide complimentary water bottles
  • Take advantage of these options! This generally means that a company WANTS its employees to stay hydrated
  • Most colleges and universities are installing filtered water fountains for students/faculty/visitors to use to stay hydrated
3. Carry a water bottle/disposable water bottles in your car:
  • If you come from a commuter city like me (Atlanta, GA) you will often find yourself spending quality time in your car (our traffic situation is horrendous)
  • What more perfect time to hydrate, than while you're stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic?
  • It never hurts to have water in your car, especially if, due to unfortunate circumstances, your car breaks down and you end up stranded on the side of the road (especially during the burning heat of the summer)

I hope that , after reading this post, you will start to take more consideration concerning your hydration practices. Thank you for tuning in, one again! As always, Peace Love and Nutella!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sinful Snow Food

Hello citizens of the Internet! If you're like me, then you are currently snowed in due to the impending doom of the East coast's most recent snow storm. Snow days are a great way to rest up, recharge your motivation fuel, and catch up on work that may be overwhelming you. Most importantly, however, snow days are the perfect day to, as they say on Parks and Rec, "Treat yo self!"

In my larger days, I definitely discovered my fair share of delectable food creations...most of which are PERFECT for snow days. Even though I am certainly more responsible about my health/exercise plans now, than in the past, I know that it is OKAY to take a day off every now and again!

Here are a few of my personal creations for you to try/enjoy:

Nutella, or Die:
  • Scoop out the center of a carton of vanilla ice cream ~ Scoop in a generous amount of Nutella ~ Place the top layer of ice cream back on and refreeze ~ et Voila! Nutella ice cream! 
No-Fire S'mores

  • Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil ~ cover foil with graham crackers ~ cover graham crackers with mini- milk chocolate bars ~ place a layer of mini marshmallows on top of the chocolate ~ spread a layer of nutella on the top layer of graham crackers before placing them on marshmallows. Leave in 175 degree oven for thirty minutes.
 C-Squared Cookies & Cream Milkshake:
  • cover six individual oreos in chocolate chip cookie dough ~ bake in oven until thoroughly cooked (usually for 15 min. in a 350 degree oven) ~ scoop two generous amounts of vanilla ice cream into a blender~ add choco-chip oreos~ add desired amount of milk ~ go to town with the blender!! (served best with whipped cream, drizzled with melted milk chocolate or melted nutella) 
Nutella Cookie Sandwiches:
  • This one's simple ~ make chocolate chip cookies ~ spread nutella in between two ~ either eat while warm, or freeze to make a wonderful spin on an ice cream sandwich. 
 And, if all else can never go wrong with this (below)...unless you are allergic to hazelnuts/tree nuts:

 In which case, you might want to stick with cinnamon buns. EVERYONE likes a good cinnamon bun :-)

Thank you for tuning in to my post! As always, Peace, Love and Nutella!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why the Newspaper is Still Relevant

Hello again, citizens of the Internet! Today's post is off topic from my normal subject area, but I certainly think that it is worth mentioning. I'm talking about what used to be the most prevalent form of media in the United States and even the world (and in some areas, still is): the Newspaper.

Growing up (in Atlanta, GA...sorry, I had to throw the shameless plug in there!), I remember the newspaper being a regular presence in my house. My father would usually stop to get his morning cup of coffee and a newspaper before going to work each morning, and would always bring a folded up copy back to the house in the evenings, sticking out of his briefcase. This is something that he still does until this day. On Saturdays and Sundays he would typically spend a solid hour, sometimes more, sitting at the table reading the paper from cover to cover. Some of his regulars were the Atlanta Journal Constitution, The New York Times, and USA Today.

So, you're probably thinking, why am I talking about the importance and relevance of newspapers on a health/wellness lifestyle blog? The answer is simple. Knowledge is power...and certainly does not always mean strictly academic knowledge. The newspaper is an excellent, DAILY resource of knowledge...and what's the best thing about something that comes out daily? IT ALWAYS REMAINS CURRENT. You can find anything about the United States or the world in the paper. Everything from domestic and foreign affairs, to the arts and health/wellness discussions and articles. I make it a practice to grab the New York Times out of my lobby each morning before heading out to my classes for the day. I also stop by the student center and grab a complimentary Wall Street Journal, to stay on top of my financial and corporate governance headlines.

The best thing about these news outlets is that most of them can be found online. The majority of people my age (Early 20s) rely on social media outlets to deliver what may or may not be faulty news coverage on events that may or may not have even happened. Unfortunately too much of social media has been focusing on the Biebers and Cyrus' of the world...and unfortunately that's the majority of the "news" that people in my generation receive. There is almost an adopted attitude with individuals in their early 20's (generally speaking) that "if it's not populating or trending on facebook, twitter, etc. then it's obviously not worth my time." There are plenty of people my age or closer that are missing out on so much valuable information.

So, without further ado...Here are some tips to help you step up your newspaper game:

1. If your university, place of work, or other frequented location offers a complimentary subscription to a major newspaper, grab one! Take advantage of your resources!

2. In the age of smartphones, download an app(s). This can go beyond newspapers as well. The NYT, WSJ, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc. all offer apps for IOS and Android technology! There is nothing like staying informed on the go!

3. If you grab a newspaper, you don't even have to read the entire thing. Often, you can learn a lot by just looking at the headlines on the front page of each section of a paper. Do this, and you'll be able to hold, at minimum, an intelligent conversation about current events at school, work,  during an interview and even at the gym!

4. Often newspapers will direct your attention to other types of media outlets like suggestions for apps to download, social media to get involved in, or even blogs to follow (Ahem!)

5. Instead of spending a combined 2 hours+ mindlessly scrolling through social media, direct your attention to the newspaper you have sitting on your desk, collecting dust. The amount of knowledge you will learn within a short amount of time will surprise you and anyone you have a conversation with.

6. If you are still going to spend hours of mind-numbing scrolling on social media, at least follow a few news-pages on facebook, or a few newspaper accounts on twitter, etc., in order to get your daily dose of current global news.

7. When you're done with your newspaper, it makes a great place for you to place your wet, snow and salt-covered boots on to dry! 3 cheers for recycling!!

Thank you for visiting my blog! As always, Peace, Love and Nutella!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Playlists or, How I Survive My Workouts

A few days ago, I hopped on the treadmill for my usual workout. The machine was working great, as usual, as I began to start on my four mile run. During the first tenth of a mile, I plugged my headphones into the treadmill to add some music to my workout. By the time I approached the half-mile mark, I noticed how demotivated I was.  I just wasn't mentally willing to finish the remaining three and a half miles of my workout. I knew exactly why...I had been listening to the same exact playlist in the same exact order for all of my workouts over the past three weeks. I had listened to the same tracks over and over again, that the effect of the music on my motivation was non existent. The order in which the music played did not even matter, because I wore out the playlist until it was unbearable.

I stopped the machine, grabbed my belongings, and headed back to my apartment (definitely convenient for me to do, considering my gym is only right down the hallway from my apartment). I opened up my laptop, hooked up my phone and began to download an entirely new set of songs to a new running playlist. After the download was complete, I grabbed my things again and went back down to the gym...only to find that all of the treadmills were occupied (such a shame). I walked back to my apartment, frustrated of course, waited thirty more minutes until I was able to go back to the gym and triumphantly claim a vacant running machine!

The feeling you get when claiming a treadmill!

I connected my phone to the system via wi-fi and plugged in my headphones and WENT TO TOWN. The songs that I downloaded in my playlist were all throwbacks, but upbeat. There was everything from Journey to Salt n' Pepa, with Biggie, Heavy D, and even the Ramones thrown in between. I set my playlist on the shuffle function to give me a bit of variety.

I'm sure the other people in the gym must have thought that I was a little insane, because I really got into the music that I was listening to, while completing the workout. At one point, I even held one of my arms up as I was running, pretending that I was carrying one of the small Olympic torches into a stadium, to light the mother-of-all Olympic torches. Then, my power song, "The Time," by The Black Eyed Peas came on shuffle, as I was ending my run, just to pull me through the last quarter mile.

My playlist means so much to me while I'm working out. There have been plenty of times where the perfect song started playing and it re-vamped my motivation midway through my workout. Certain playlists can change your perspective on an entire routine. For me, depending on what I'm listening to, I pretend that I'm either running from a tornado, or sometimes even running next to Mufasa on an African savannah. 

A lot of people think that you only have to stick to one genre of music when creating a workout playlist, but the more variety you have, the more chances you have of being able to re-motivate yourself consistently throughout a workout. I even know people who plan their playlists, based on the different points of intensity throughout their planned workouts. If they know that they are going to be doing some extreme sprinting, crunches or heavy lifting, they choose music that will stay upbeat for the duration of that particular exercise. They will choose music with less frequent bpm (beats per minute), for the cool-down sections of their routines.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post! As always, Peace, Love and Nutella!!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Destined to be F.A.T.

Ever try escaping your destiny? Seems like a difficult task to accomplish. I don't think I have ever met anyone who has escaped their destiny...maybe because none of us know what our final outcome will be...we do not know what will be the pinnacle of our success...I mean, unless of course you have fortune-telling abilities [couldn't resist throwing in some dry humor.] The point I am trying to make is that we will not know what our fate is until we get there. That being said, why is it that most of us try to avoid what is standing right in front of us?

Over the past couple of years, I have played with this question. College is a great example. A lot of people use college as an excuse to start re-invent themselves. College provides plenty of opportunities to meet new people, create new social circles, and join different clubs and organizations. A good amount of people figure out what they want to do for the rest of their lives [career-wise] within the tenure of their stay at university. The environment offers a clean slate, especially if an individual wants to erase and/or forget about his or her high school years. This is completely fine...everyone deserves a fresh start; however, sometimes we miss out on the opportunity to capitalize off ourselves, because we are too busy trying to satisfy friends, acquaintances, and the people with whom we work. What I'm getting at is the reasoning that we are too occupied with other activities that we tend to overlook our own potential...

Photo Credit: Taylor Krenza
But college is just one example. The reality is, the overlooking of one's own potential abilities is a characteristic that sticks with most human beings throughout life. There are so many talents, so many unique abilities that are never discovered, because we go too far out of our own way to pay attention to ourselves and exercise/practice upon the skills that we have to offer. I certainly did not know, nor could I predict the amount of success I have encountered in turning my health around; but I encountered the beginning of my journey during a particular period of time. The difference between me and others, is that I decided to stick with that encounter and ride it out, as far as it would take me...which, as of today, has been one of the best decisions of my life.

Photo Credit: Taylor Krenza
Because of this journey, I have unlocked a multitude of abilities that I did not know I had before. I can now approach difficult and mentally trying situations head-on. I now know what it's like to fall down and get back up, as well as rising after being pushed down (metaphorically speaking). I found out that I LOVE food. I love food so much, that if I had the opportunity too, I would have taken a few nutrition courses in college. I probably would have also taken a few courses in exercise science and human anatomy. I certainly do not regret my two majors that I have undertaken in college; however, who could have known that one day I would develop such a passion for health/wellness/exercise/nutrition/dietary habits.

It's okay to pay more attention to yourself. It's okay to make a few sacrifices in order to spend more time with yourself, appreciating yourself, and discovering what you have to offer not only to yourself, but also the positive impacts you can make in other lives and even the world!

As always, Peace, Love and Nutella!

"F.A.T." (my initials)
Title Credit: Alice Ree

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Diet vs. Lifestyle

Over the course of my journey, I have received a lot of questions on how I changed my dietary intake in order to compliment my exercise routines. Many people assumed that I was know the typical (paleo, low-fat, crash/fad diets). I, too, am guilty of attempting the Atkins low-carb (carbohydrate) diet plan. The issue with not only the Atkins diet, but with any other diet that I would have tried, is not the diet itself, but the fact that I did not have the patience or concentration to rigorously stick to the plan or method that was being advertised. I attempted this diet after seeing my mother's results (although my mother has much more patience for sticking to plans or "lifestyle" as she called it.)

I found myself eating an Atkins bar for a snack, and then pairing it with a soda or chips or candy, etc. This pairing of a low-carb product with junk food is a HUGE dietary no-no. Many dietary products in general (especially low-carb products) contain edible chemicals which I like to call "-ols" (because many of them end in the suffix "-ol"). These are meant to curb your appetite, as well as stabilize and regulate your hunger patterns. If these are combined with obviously unhealthy food items, they can potentially cause unwanted side-effects.

Diets ... The word "diet" implies a temporary situation, or a relative short amount of time. I needed something Long Term to work with. I needed a plan that I could try to stick with for the rest of my life. I spent a long time trying to start over and over from a dietary perspective. I would attempt to stick strictly to the Atkins diet and then, whenever I would eat something that did not "fit within the recommended guidelines," I would mentally beat myself up for it. The situation became more daunting, rather than fun and complimentary. It became both a mental and exhausting task to try and force myself to stick with the unreasonable plan that I willingly created for myself and accepted.

Lifestyle... The word lifestyle indicates a plan of habits that become a characteristic of the individual involved. A lifestyle is just what it says "routine for life." I turned my "low-carb diet" into a "low-carb" lifestyle. This plan allowed/allows me to eat foods that are low in carbohydrates and high in protein (meats, eggs, peanuts, veggies, etc.) This plan also allows me to be generous (but intelligent and aware) with my junk/unhealthy food  intake. 

The "lifestyle" plan taught me and still teaches me how to eat in moderation. Moderation is something that is very important when it comes to both healthy and unhealthy food consumption. Ever heard of the saying, "too much of a good thing is bad"...yeah, well whoever came up with that wasn't lying. Yes, yes it is easy to even go overboard with healthy food and health products. The goal of any diet and or lifestyle (depending which one works for you, should be to either provide/and or restore some type of dietary balance among your food consumption. Once you achieve balance, you'll unlock other possibilities for your plan.

When I was here (see picture below), one of the largest mistakes that I made was not putting in enough research into the different possibilities for dietary changes. Research will take you a long way if you are willing to put in the effort. Staying informed about all of your options can very well be the beginning of new dietary/lifestyle options for yourself!

Thank you for tuning in to this post! As always...peace, love, and Nutella!!