Friday, February 21, 2014

Me, Myself, and I

Okay, maybe the title of this post is a bit vain, but what I am attempting to stress by "Me, Myself and I," is the importance of "Me Time." One of the leading causes of stress, anxiety, and neglect of dietary and physical health is the lack of attention given to "me time."

Now, what do I mean by "me time," you ask? "Me time" is simply time for yourself. It is taking time out of your schedule to breathe, relax, and focus on what's going on with YOU.

There are a variety of ways to enjoy time with yourself to relax. Some people like to take naps, others like to go to a coffee shop and read a book, others like to hit the court and shoot a few hoops. Personally, I like going to Barnes and Noble, plugging in my headphones to some smooth jazz, and reading a genre of book that I would normally never pick up. Other times, going for a light jog will take my mind off of my busy schedule.

There is no specific time period for the amount of time you can take for yourself. Sometimes just a five minute break from your school work or job is enough to temporarily relieve some stress. Sometimes it may/will take a longer period of time to recharge. It is not uncommon for people (when they can afford it) to take a vacation for a few days.

St. Tropez, France

It is not uncommon to find ourselves in situations where we are doing more for others than we are for ourselves. As we get older, we acquire more and more responsibilities which seem to absorb what would be "personal time." This is completely normal. I am not saying that it is wrong to devote time to others, especially if you have a family, are in a relationship, or if you have a tight-knit social life that requires you to support many friends and acquaintances; however, when you neglect your own health, and dare-I-say, sanity, you won't be around very long to devote your time to others.

A little motto that I like to repeat to myself every now and again is: "At the end of the day, if I don't make the effort to take care of myself (physically, nutritionally, mentally, or financially), then how I can I expect anyone else to?"

Thank you for reading this post! As always, Peace, Love and Nutella!

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